Superstitions (C/N)

Superstition is a pejorative term for a belief in supernatural occurrences, that an event can or will lead to the cause of another without any natural processes linking them. Such beliefs are typically associated with astrology, omens, religion, and witchcraft which contradict natural sciences. For example, the Ancient Greeks believed that the seasons were caused by the agricultural goddess Demeter, who became sad when her daughter Persephone lived in the Underworld with her husband Hades for half of the year (fall and winter) and was happy when she returned for the spring and summer, allowing crops to grow once again. Opposition to superstitions in general was a central concern of intellectuals during the Enlightenment, when belief in miracles, revelations, magic, and other supernatural events began to wane, though superstitions persist all over the world to this day.

Costa Rican villagers believed that a wound a worker from Isla Nublar was suffering was inflicted by a hupia, a spirit from the local mythology. In actuality, these attacks were caused by dinosaurs which had escaped from Isla Nublar.