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Post by Troodon_formosus »

Stuff that isn't canon, but you feel like could've happened in the movies' world anyway.

-Lewis Dodgson never, not even once, paid for his own food in the Biosyn Headquarters commissary. Instead he would follow around other employees and ask them for snacks, or steal food off other people's trays while sitting and talking with them, or raid company fridges.

-While on criminal trial on at least one occasion, Soyona Santos has proven her own innocence by using a significantly worse crime as an alibi.

-After the Jurassic World incident, Lowery actually met Vivian's boyfriend when they went to dinner together. He greatly exaggerated his own role in saving people from the Indominus and was not invited to a second dinner. Also, he got his job at the CIA after finding out that Vivian had started working there.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Nedryland »

- There were several species in Jurassic Park not listed on the tour, at the time of the incident, which were housed in reserve/research paddocks away from view; as they were considered too dangerous to house in the park.

- Dodgson organised a small expedition to Isla Nublar a week after the incident, in an attempt to recover dinosaur DNA. The expedition was a disaster and Dodgson was the only survivor.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by TyrannosaurTJ »

I have a few I personally entertain or so:

- Hammond, Lockwood, and Normal Atherton all three worked together until the falling out between Hammond and Lockwood happened. Atherton tried to mend the connection between the two at first because of Charlotte Lockwood's promising future, but ultimately instead focused on grooming both Laura Sorkin and Henry Wu to succeed him as he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and didn't have long left to live.
- The events of JP:TG happened with a few major differences. Gerry and Jess embellished a bit about Rexy making it inside the Visitor's Center and the extent of the damage she caused. Gerry and Jess also attempted to cover up the reason Nima was on the island (saying she was Jess's nanny) so she wouldn't face criminal trespassing charges while simultaneously Nima and her daughter were saved by both Gerry and Jess. As for the events in the climax - Gerry and Nima agreed to give Billy Yoder the can if he let them live, and as they began to escape on the boat, Rexy ambushed the group and caused Billy to split off from the others. Rexy followed him into the jungle for her to grab him, causing him to drop the can for Dodgson to find years later during the Mantah Corp incident. Laura Sorkin had also attempted to cure the Lysine contingency only for her to succumb to an attack from the Troodon she was trying to keep from being destroyed.
- Lex has a severe case of PTSD and Tim, after being electrocuted, has mental health issues as well.
- The events of Trespasser happened 6 months after the San Diego Incident, but Anne embellished a bit about what happened due to both dealing with multiple tropical illnesses while trying to survive and navigate Isla Sorna. This explains the differences she saw as fever dreams for example. Many people don't believe Anne since she made it out unscathed relatively, with only a broken left arm.
- Jack Thorne and Eddie Carr were partners and he blames himself for Eddie's death on Site B. Nick Van Owen ends up feeling guilty for it as well and turns to alcoholism to cope.
- Sarah and Ian get married, and Kelly becomes specialized in Paleo-Animal Behavior like Sarah. She even gets Paleo Vet training despite Ian forbidding it and causes a rift between the two briefly only for them to reconcile around the time of Dominion.
- Billy Brennan later succumbs to massive blood loss and trauma due to the attack in the aviary. Grant enters a period of mourning for the next couple of years until he comes to terms with his past mistakes and works to rehab his career.
- Rexy and Doe (TLW Female Rex) are sisters and nest mates.
- Isla Sorna is still active after it had been raided. The US government manages to acquire it from Costa Rica and make it a military and civilian base that studies the ecological condition of the island and tries to find a way to eventually return the dinosaurs scattered across the world back to it.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Troodon_formosus »

-Nick Van Owen's backstory is that when he was a teenager, he walked past an environmental protest and saw a very attractive topless protester, and decided upon that day that he was going to become an environmentalist.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Nedryland »

- A Royal Naval expedition of the Pacific Ocean, with the goal of charting known islands around Spain’s colonies, first docked on Isla Nublar in July 1715. The British remained on Isla Nublar for four weeks, charting the land, bartering with the indigenous Bribri people and making necessary arrangements.

- Following the outbreak of the hostilities in the British and Spanish Empires, during the Seven Years war, the British returned to Isla Nublar, converting it into naval base from April 1762, establishing a small naval barracks town called Georgetown - situated where the East Dock now is - commanded by Admiral Lord Francis Jennings. This occupation has two objectives - raise the threat of invasion of further Spanish colonies and expand British control in the Pacific. There was a minor naval engagement between the British and Spanish fleets in December 1762, with the Spanish attempting to weaken the British threat of invasion of their South American colonies. The British successfully repealed the attack, and maintained a strong military presence in the area until the end of the war in February 1763.

- Despite British victory in the Seven Years War, Britain did not claim territorial sovereignty over Isla Nublar, or the Muertes Archipelago, deciding to focus on establishing its territorial gains in North America and the Caribbean. The British left Isla Nublar in August 1763.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Troodon_formosus »

-When Dodgson talks about his youth, being idealistic and having humble beginnings, this isn't actually a discrepancy with his portrayal in 1993 but rather the older Dodgson misremembering his past as rich people are wont to do. He was never humble or idealistic; he was always greedy and egotistical, and had dozens of opportunities for success handed to him. As he gained power he came to believe that he had come from nothing, and justified his corruption by believing he had grown out of youthful hopefulness as all people must.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Dinos4Ever »

Troodon_formosus wrote:
Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:43 pm
or raid company fridges.
This 100% like a thing Dodgson would do.

Here's a few of mine:
-Nedry's financial problems stem from student loans while attending MIT. In JP, Hammond tells Mr. Arnold to "call Nedry's people, in Cambridge." Cambridge, Mass, is home to the prestigious technical institute, MIT.

-Nick Van Owen was arrested immediately after landing in the United States for what happened on Isla Sorna. He's still in prison to this day.

-The deleted TLW board room scene can still be canon with the current timeline. Pulling together from multiple sources of the deleted scene, the viral websites, and from paper props, is that in 1994 Wu and several others were sent to assess the viability of going forward with the Isla Nublar project, as well as for insurance purposes. The park was found to be too compromised, and without further investors, it was deemed that the park should be dismantled and anything that could be saved would be sold off. This is the 1994 clean up that Wu was a part of mentioned in the viral sites, as well as the dismantlement mentioned in the deleted scene. However, there's a paper prop that was shown off at the 25th Anniversary store supposedly from the aforementioned deleted scene with focuses on a lawsuit by the Costa Rican government for damages suffered by the Costa Rican workers involved in the clean up. I think that the surviving dinosaurs still living on the island during the clean up kept attacking the workers, leading to the clean up shutting down and the following lawsuit. It's why some original park infrastructure still exists on the island (some fencing, the Visitor Center, etc) and other things aren't, or are in spots that they shouldn't be (Ford Explorer 04 being moved, for instance).

-Eric Kirby's parents remained divorced after Eric dies from dysentery two weeks after returning to Enid, OK. Amanda Kirby changed her name to Elizabeth McCord and pursues a career in politics, while Paul Kirby, blaming himself, changed his name to Frank Gallagher and moved to the south side of Chicago, becoming a deadbeat alcoholic father.
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Troodon_formosus »

Dinos4Ever wrote:
Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:41 pm
Troodon_formosus wrote:
Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:43 pm
or raid company fridges.
This 100% like a thing Dodgson would do.
I can absolutely imagine Wu walking into the lab break room, and Dodgson looking up from the fridge and saying "Were you gonna finish this?" with his mouth actively full of Wu's sandwich already mostly eaten, and Wu just slowly shaking his head with a thousand-yard stare and questioning every single decision he has ever made that led him to this point.
Small Fry: a tale from Biosyn Valley https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14296163/1/Small-Fry
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Troodon_formosus »

-Hammond's limp wasn't just because he was old. It did get worse as he aged, but the original injury was from German shrapnel during World War II. (This is based on his age, which means he would have been of age to be drafted in the war. From JWFK we know that WWII is canon to the movies.)
Small Fry: a tale from Biosyn Valley https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14296163/1/Small-Fry
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Re: Headcanons

Post by Oviraptor »

The guy that tells Grant "You're gonna wanna see this." in Dominion at the digsite is Billy. (Played by a different actor. If Lewis Dodgson can be played by a different actor so can Billy Brennan.)
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