Research Outposts – Biosyn Valley (S/F)

An artist’s rendering of a Giganotosaurus near a research outpost.

The Biosyn Valley research outposts are an integral component of the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary. They permit employees working in the paleo-sanctuary to observe de-extinct animals without disturbing them. The outposts were linked to each other, and to the headquarters building. through a series of underground tunnels, though these tunnels could sometimes be invaded by packs of Dilophosaurus. The outposts were large, two-story, mushroom-shaped structures with extendable ladders, and an observation deck surrounding a central command center. Though kept powered down when not in use, the outposts and their immediate surrounding area were illuminated through small spotlights placed around the exterior of the buildings. It is unknown how often the outposts were accessed, as at least one of them was covered in Spanish moss, and sections were showing signs of rust in the humidity of the valley.

In 2022, one such outpost was accessed by Claire Dearing after she, Kayla Watts, and Owen Grady crashed into the valley when searching for Maisie Lockwood, who had been kidnapped by agents of Lewis Dodgson. Dearing, while lowering a retractable ladder to the upper platform, was cornered by a pack of Dilophosaurus, who were then frightened off by the arrival of Grady. Soon after the Dilophosaurus disappeared, the valley’s resident Giganotosaurus appeared on scene, attracted by the sounds of the nearby crash of a Jeep Gladiator containing Dr. Ian Malcolm, Dr. Ellie Sattler, Dr. Alan Grant, and Maisie Lockwood. The Giganotosaurus attacked the group, who fled into the outpost. In the struggle, the outpost was partially destroyed by the Giganotosaurus, before it was fended off by the combined efforts of the group.