Avogadro's Number (C/N)

During Dr. Malcolm‘s academic talk “Life at the Edge of Chaos”  in August of 1993 at the Santa Fe Institute , he referred to Avogadro’s number.  “I would remind you that there is no religious debate about Avogadro’s number, or Planck’s constant, or the functions of the pancreas.”  Found in The Lost World Novel-Prologue: Life at the Edge of Chaos (page 3 paperback edition)

In chemistry and physics, the Avogadro constant (or Avogadro’s number, represented by the symbols L or NA) is defined as the number of constituent patricles in one mole of a given substance. It is dimensionless and was a value of 6.02214129(27)×1023 mol−1. It is used as a scaling factor between macroscopic and microscopic observations in nature.